I am rejecting Personal Branding, here is why!

Not a brand

I Am Not a Brand! I Am a Human Who Happened to Be an Interior Designer

Over the years, I’ve struggled to build a presence on social media to showcase my work in a highly competitive and luxurious profession. According to the guidelines and best practices of social media, I am not “successful” in this area.

I’ve consulted mentors, hired marketing agents, and worked with reel creators—you name it. But still, I feel like I don’t belong in the social media world.

A Lifetime of Escaping Trends

Throughout my life, I’ve always been someone who escapes trends. Now, I find myself struggling to become part of them.

I’ve always taken pride in being different and individualistic. But now, I’m being advised to copy others to be visible. I’ve always disliked social molds, and now I find myself trying to create one just to fit in.

During my less-than-successful attempts to build a social media presence, I often criticized myself. I labeled myself as lazy, shy, a procrastinator—the list goes on—simply because I couldn’t build what other creators were building: a personal brand.

The Realization: I Am Not a Brand

Two days ago, while journaling, I had a breakthrough.

I realized: I am not a brand. And I never will be.

  • I am not a brand, and trying to turn myself into one won’t help my work get noticed.
  • I am not a brand, and no crafted image from a marketing agency could ever fully represent me.
  • I am not a brand, and trying to enclose myself in the mold of a “brand identity” would only suffocate me.
  • I am a human whose highest values are authenticity and creativity.

Choosing Authenticity Over Personal Branding

This realization led me to an important decision: I’m giving up the entire concept of personal branding.

I’ve decided to showcase my work and my thoughts in the most authentic way possible—without following rigid guidelines, trends, peak posting hours, or creating highly-polished videos. Simply because I am not a highly-polished person myself.

I am not a brand. I am a human who happens to be an interior designer. And I help other humans create spaces that are authentic and real to them.

Closing Thoughts

This journey of self-discovery is one I know many creatives and professionals can relate to. The pressure to conform to trends, fit into molds, and create a personal brand is overwhelming. But I’ve learned that staying true to myself—and my values of authenticity and creativity—is the only way I can truly connect with my audience and do work that fulfills me.

If you’ve ever felt the same, I invite you to reflect on what truly matters to you. Let’s build meaningful connections, not perfect brands.

#InteriorDesignLife#InteriorStyling #InteriorDesignIdeas #AuthenticSpaces #CreativeSpaces #InteriorDesignJourney #Authenticity #StayAuthentic #BeYourself #AuthenticLiving #CreativeJourney #NotABrand 

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